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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

6 years of Bionic

Remember when "The Queen Of Flop" released her first flop album "Bionic" in 2010???
The album, regarded as "the best flop of this decade", sold over 700,000 copies worldwide.
It has some pop gems like "Not Myself Tonight", "Whoo Whoo (ft.Nicki Minaj)", "Glam" , "Sex For Breakfast" and "Vanity", which are my favourite songs from the record.

The MV of "Not Myself Tonight"caused much controversy because it was S&M-themed and it was too similar to Madonna's "Express Yourself" MV

She didn't promote her album that much.
This is one the few ways she did.

And do you remember when she ruined her National Anthem perfomance at the SuperBowl messing up the words.

Anyway, happy 6th birthday Bionic!!

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